It is an objective fact that some people while choosing the most preferable way to fall asleep, spend invaluable minutes that could have been used for seeing wonderful dreams. When the best way to relax for somebody is lying on their back or side, the others would prefer sleeping on their stomach. Of course, sleep position is fully individual and it depends on the specific manners of everybody. But do all of these positions help the body feel always good and provide only a positive effect for your health, and do your sleeping accessories play a key role in how you feel in the morning?
Most of us due to feelings of general nervousness or inconvenient falling asleep usually change a sleep position. As a rule, it is usually changed with time: when you used to sleep on back in childhood, in adult life “on side” or “on back” can become a regular position. All sleeping styles have their pros and cons, may be correct, and don’t cause any musculoskeletal disorders, but sometimes neck or back pain may disturb you. It is usually caused by incorrect head position and lower spine muscle distortion due to regular sleep in one position.
“On Side” Position. It is usually called “embryo posture” due to external similarities with embryos. Your breathing airways are open in this position, which makes it suitable for people, who snore while sleeping. It will also be good for people with scoliosis because the spine acquires a natural position and shape. However, neck leakage may manifest over time and it is extremely important to find a pillow, which will provide neck support.
“On Back” Position. In this position, the stomach and other abdominal organs are not compressed, which has a good influence on gastric function – it helps to regulate the acidity of the stomach, which is especially important for those suffering from pancreatic disorders. The position is also ideal for osteochondrosis prevention. But all of these aspects are actual only if correctly selected ergonomic and orthopedic pillows are used. They allow you to relieve the load on the intervertebral discs and back muscles, which helps to receive complete relaxation.
“On Stomach” Position. It is considered as an incorrect position: pain in the cervical spine may occur because it appears in an unnatural position. Due to the compression of brain arteries, brain blood supply may be disrupted. The most common symptoms appearing after “on stomach” sleeping are pulling or shooting neck pain and regular headaches. If you prefer sleeping in such a way, think about choosing a specific pillow.
All in all, every sleep position needs an approach with the choice of suitable sleep accessories; the key one – a pillow, which will make your sleep deep, comfortable and won’t bring any abnormalities to your well-being.
Causes of sleep inconveniences are polysemantic: beginning with your sleep position and ending with the incorrect bed accessories and linens, but the solution will be appropriate to everybody. You need to make the correct definition of pillow support considering all peculiarities:
sleeping manner and style;
health restrictions and chronic neck or back disorders;
filler type;
Most people think that level of support is defined by its size and amount of filler used – it is an incorrect opinion. All of the pillow properties are made due to general inquiries of everybody: comfort and support level are both measured while the pillow manufacturing process. Down clusters are usually used for providing comfort: they help to feel the depth of a pillow. To bring neck support, feathers and other different natural and synthetic fillers are used in different proportions, considering what you would prefer more: softness or toughness.
It can be reached by choosing a pillow with a high percentage of tough material in a filler. Down pillows with more than 20% of a tough basis will perfectly suit those who prefer sleeping on the side. Also, latex round-shape pillows can be used as a side-sleeping pillow. All negative effects on the cervical part of the vertebral column will disappear.
Considering “on back” the correct position, a pillow without orthopedic or health-dedicated properties may be found. If you prefer sleeping on your back and want to achieve an ideal effect, choose a pillow that will make your head lying parallel to the bed. You may also follow such rules:
If you like your head drowning in a pillow and enjoy its depth, the best back sleeping pillow for you will be one with a soft type of support. Latex, down, and down alternative pillows will perfectly suit your sleeping manners.
If you prefer health benefits to comfort and like sleeping on something hard or tough, choose a pillow with a medium type of support. Down pillows with a high percentage of tough filler may be the most suitable for you.
Even if you ignore medical suggestions and prefer such a way of getting relaxed after a long workday, choose a pillow that will be soft to your neck and will not twist your upper backbone segments and set them into the wrong position. Choosing a pillow with medium or firm support will give no positive effect, because they usually make your neck lay on the side, contacting a hard material that will not make you turn onto the other side. Your face will feel discomfort if you sleep on it. The best pillows for sleeping on the stomach will be medium-sized latex pillows or down pillows with a high percentage of down filler.
All in all, the choice of the correct support type and a pillow that will be the most comfortable for you is a long process. It will help you to understand all of your sleep peculiarities and their advantages and disadvantages, and define the most regular way you use to sleep. After all of that, you will find out what is the best pillow for individual inquiries and that will be the most perfect accessory for dreaming and not thinking about any sleep abnormalities.